Rodney Littles, II

This was an incredibly competitive race, with 17 very qualified candidates competing for 6 open positions (Beth Massi is Microsoft's one appointed board member, the rest are all elected by .NET Foundation Members.
This election was conducted using Single Transferable Vote (Scottish Rules). It's widely regarded as the most fair methodology, but can be a little complex to understand. Fortunately, the voting system we used (OpaVote) provides a pretty clear, visual breakdown on the voting results page. The voting results page also allows you to download summary data and (anonymous) ballots.
Next steps on this include a small bit of paperwork for the incoming board to accept the appointment, and for the outgoing board to sign off on the election, appoint the new board, and resign their previous position. The old board and new board will meet next week (currently scheduled on August 13th) for a hand-off and the new board has their first regular meeting the following week (August 20th) to get started and schedule our first live "all hands" meeting.
Thank you all for participating in this process, I am thrilled to be working with the new board and I expect that this coming year will bring many good things!