.NET Foundation October Update

by Jon Galloway

Here's the October edition of the .NET Foundation newsletter. Every month, we'll give you a quick overview of the .NET Open Source landscape, including top project news, events, community links and more.

This month's newsletter includes:

  • News from .NET Foundation member projects
  • Visual Studio Live keynote
  • .NET Meetup news

As always, these are available both on our blog and via e-mail: Sign up to get the .NET Foundation Update via e-mail

.NET Foundation Project News

NUnit Framework 3.11.0 Release

NUnit framework 3.11.0 was released this month, including the features highlighted in last month's newsletter. NUnit VSTest adapter 3.11.0 was just released also! One of the fixes is that Mono.Cecil will no longer be overwritten in the test project, unblocking the testing of code that depends on Mono.Cecil. The NUnit team is considering dropping the .NET Framework 2.0 build of NUnit in the next release. We are eager to hear from anyone who may be affected—please join the discussion at https://github.com/nunit/nunit/issues/3070. Thank you!

DNN Summit

DNN Summit is coming up in February 2019 with Jon Galloway as the keynote speaker!

Windows Community Toolkit 5.0

The Windows Community Toolkit graduated to version 5.0. This update introduces the WindowsXamlHost control and wrapped UWP controls for WPF and Windows Forms, new TabView control for UWP, and Weibo .NET Standard service. Read more here.

Visual Studio Live! San Diego Keynote

.NET Foundation Secretary Beth Massi and Executive Director Jon Galloway presented a keynote at Visual Studio Live! San Diego titled .NET Today and Tomorrow on October 9. Visual Studio Magazine did a great write-up of the keynote - take a look!


Our .NET Foundation sponsored .NET Meetup Pro groups continued to see rapid growth month, with lots of in-person events for our .NET Conf Local Events series. Here are some quick stats:

  • 233 Groups (up 25 this past month)
  • 50 Countries
  • 141K Members (added 15K in the past 30 days!)

We've also started sending newsletters to Meetup organizers, including some links for some free swag for their groups. If your meetup hasn't joined yet, you can right here.

Connect with the .NET Foundation online

The .NET Foundation is on Facebook now. Please like our page! We'll post regular updates and interesting things happening with .NET to share.

The .NET Foundation is also on YouTube. Watch community standups and design reviews as well as code-focused shows and interviews across our multiple playlists.

Remember to Subscribe!

Please sign up to get the .NET Foundation Update via e-mail. Don't worry, we want to keep these short, interesting, and low-noise, so we won't overload your e-mail.