.NET Foundation July Update

by Jon Galloway

Hi!  Here's the July edition of the .NET Foundation newsletter. Every month, we'll give you a quick overview of the .NET Open Source landscape, including top project news, events, community links and more.

This month's newsletter includes:

  • .NET Meetup news
  • Info on .NET Conf (Sep 12-14), followed by worldwide .NET Conf Local events through the end of October
  • News from .NET Foundation member projects

As always, these are available both on our blog and via e-mail: Sign up to get the .NET Foundation Update via e-mail

Get Ready for .NET Conf and .NET Conf Local!

.NET Conf is coming to you September 12 - 14, 2018!

Over the course of the three days you have a wide selection of live sessions that feature speakers from the community and .NET product teams. These are the experts in their field and it is a chance to learn, ask questions live, and get inspired for your next software project.

You will learn to build for web, mobile, desktop, games, services, libraries and more for a variety of platforms and devices all with .NET. We have sessions for everyone, no matter if you are just beginning or are a seasoned engineer. We'll have presentations on .NET Core and ASP.NET Core, C#, F#, Azure, Visual Studio, Xamarin, and much more.

We've just wrapped up the call for papers and are hard at work building the schedule now. We had almost three times as many submissions this year!

Register your .NET Conf Local events now!

.NET Conf is partnering with organizers around the globe to bring you local in-person events and watch parties! Join your fellow developers in a city near you to learn more about .NET. Don't see your city? Organize an event! Let us know soon - we're putting together special .NET Conf swag packs for the local events, so you need to get registered soon to make sure we can get the swag ordered and shipped to your event in time.


Wow! We're continuing to see rapid growth of the .NET Foundation sponsored .NET Meetup Pro groups, Here are some quick stats:

We've also started sending newsletters to Meetup organizers, including some links for some free swag for their groups. If your meetup hasn't joined yet, you can right here.

.NET Foundation Project News

Red Hat: Improving .NET Core Kestrel performance using a Linux-specific transport

The Red Hat team has released a NuGet pagkage that allows you to replace Kestrel's networking layer with a Linux-specific implementation. Read this really interesting blog post that shows how to enable it, then shows and benchmarks against the default out-of-the-box implementations. 

Cake: v0.29.0 release

This release of Cake includes a lot of nice features, including the very handy 'exclusive' parameter. When you've executed a series of tasks and it fails on the last one, wouldn't it be nice if you could execute a single task, without requiring all of its dependencies to execute again? Well you're in luck, this just got added into 0.29.0! Beyond retrying failed operations - this can really speed things up while developing and debugging a script.

More details here.

xUnit.net: Hello, 2.4!

This release includes lots of usability-related features, like improved test method display name formatting, support for reporting results to VSTS, and additional command line options for the console runner.

Read the release notes here.

ML.NET: Announcing ML.NET 0.3

The ML.NET team is happy to announce the latest version: ML.NET 0.3. This release supports exporting models to the ONNX format, enables creating new types of models with Factorization Machines, LightGBM, Ensembles, and LightLDA, and addressing a variety of issues and feedback we received from the community.

Read the release post here.

Reactive Extensions for .NET: Ix and Ix Async 3.2 released

The main enhancement in this release is adding a .NET Standard 2.0 version, to minimize the dependency graph and improve build times.

Read the release notes here.

Connect with the .NET Foundation online

The .NET Foundation is on Facebook now. Please like our page! We'll post regular updates and interesting things happening with .NET to share.

The .NET Foundation is also on YouTube. Watch community standups and design reviews as well as code-focused shows and interviews across our multiple playlists.

Remember to Subscribe!

Please sign up to get the .NET Foundation Update via e-mail. Don't worry, we want to keep these short, interesting, and low-noise, so we won't overload your e-mail.