Marco Cecconi

I am the founder of Intelligent Hack, an innovative consulting startup focused on helping you grow your company from thousands to millions, through improving company culture, implementing agile methodologies and remote work, rearchitecting for scale, and paying tech debt. I was part of the Stack Overflow core development team I was Toptal's first Engineering Manager where I helped implement agile and focused on reducing technical debt. I have also been a signed pro musician, a game audio engineer, and a music producer.

Recent Blog Posts

Fan mail

Friday, 15 October 2021 00:00:00

Intelligent Trip

Wednesday, 29 September 2021 00:00:00

Guest blog: Building, in partnership with communities by Shog9

Wednesday, 03 February 2021 00:00:00

Can you migrate a company from on-premise to remote-only?

Wednesday, 02 December 2020 00:00:00

Announcing Intelligent Cache, our caching library

Wednesday, 25 November 2020 00:00:00