Brian Gorman (he/him)
Brian is a Microsoft Azure MVP and is an experienced speaker, author, trainer, and .Net developer with MCSA: Web App Certification, MCSD: App Builder, and nine Azure certifications including Azure Developer, Administrator, DevOps, Architect, Data Administrator, Security, IoT, and a number of fundamentals, and has been an MCT since 2018. Brian has a masters of science degree in computer information systems, and a bachelor of science degree in computer science. Additionally, Brian has over ten years of experience instructing college courses online in SQL databases, C#/VB.Net/and Java object-oriented programming, and Microsoft Office. Brian has created many online technical training courses that can be found online on various platforms. Brian has also published a book with APress entitled "Practical Entity Framework" The second edition of the book targeting .Net Core 6 was released in late November of 2021.