.NET Foundation Campaign: Jeffrey Chilberto

Why I'm running

As a large portion of my career has revolved around .NET applications and tools, I want to contribute back by helping others to either start using .NET, progress their understanding, or support those advocating for such a versatile and powerful language. Being a member of the .Net Foundation Board will be an excellent way for me to me to do this.

Who am I?

My LinkedIn profile shows a bit of a mash up of developer, author, and speaker. I've been involved in multiple industries across several countries developing both business software and games. Though I value higher education having both a BSCS and MCSE, I also recognize formal education is not a replacement for real world experience and classroom learning is not for everyone so I actively support opportunities to get kids and adults coding. On reflection then, I would say the only constant since 2002 is .Net!

Outside of work, I am a father, husband, bass guitar player, and unfortunately target practice in many online games.

How am I involved with the community?

Mainly with New Zealand based initiatives to get young people coding including Kiwi Game Dev and Code Club Aotearoa, as well as not so young developers with the New Zealand Game Developers Association. I am a member of local user groups including Auckland Connected Systems User Group and Auckland Azure User Group. I have co-authored several technical books for Packt and Apress and have been a technical author for some articles of the Azure Architecture Center. I do not have a personal blog but instead contribute to the .NET community by writing articles on TechNet Wiki and the Microsoft Tech Community.

With Microsoft, I am a member of the Azure Connection Program and Partner Network, contribute to online documentation, and present on Azure and architecture.