.NET Foundation Campaign: Mattias Karlsson
Why I'm running
The Foundation has added a lot of really important issues and tasks to its plate, but at the same time I believe it has failed with some basics like being clear of what its overall vision and goals are. It's added a lot of new projects, but after projects joined it's not been clear of what's expected of them or what they can expect from the Foundation. So I see a disconnect in expectations between the board, members, projects, and the rest of the community. A divide I would love to see be bridged.
As a maintainer, contributor, and consumer of several open-source projects for over two decades, I believe I can provide honest valuable insights and feedback on the issues and challenges experienced by the open-source ecosystem.
I'm a firm believer that with community work, continuity is key! It's better to do a little often and in a dependable fashion, than something big on an unpredictable basis. Listening is more important than prescribed guidance.
Who am I?
I am Mattias Karlsson, and for quite some time now I've been a developer, a maintainer, a contributor, a speaker, and an organizer within the .NET community. And somehow managed to in a continuously evolving field still be curious and passionate about it, which led to continuously adapting to and learning new things.
But beyond that, I'm most importantly a father of two and husband of one.
Experience with the Foundation
I'm one of the maintainers behind the Cake project which joined the Foundation 2016, contributed to several member projects, participated in both group, 1:1 feedback sessions, and the first public election.
What are my goals for the .NET Foundation?
A sustainable, welcoming, and inclusive .NET open source community.